a test

Who we are?
The Social Education Foundation has been raising awareness about social problems and public health for 21 years. We conduct educational activities in the field of mental and psychosexual health, counteracting addictions to psychoactive substances and behavioral addictions.
We provide comprehensive prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, offering common, free and anonymous tests since 2004. We also offer broad psychological, legal and social support for people living with HIV.

Social Education

Self-administered home HIV test
A home HIV test is a good option if you have difficult access to testing centers in Poland. It is a 3rd generation test i.e. a rapid screening test that detects anti-HIV antibodies. You can do it by pricking your fingertip according to the instructions, and you will get the result in 15 minutes or after 1 minute (depending on the manufacturer). HIV tests shipped by the Foundation for Community Education may have different manufacturers. Always read the test instructions. The Foundation guarantees that each has high efficacy (sensitivity and specificity) and has been approved for distribution in Poland.
NOTE! If you are living with HIV and have an undetectable viral load, please get tested for HIV by your attending physician. In such cases, a rapid HIV test will always react.
Worth knowing!

About our

There are places in Poland where an HIV test cannot be done free of charge or the wait for the result is very long. We want to change that! Because this test saves lives!
As the Social Education Foundation, we have been educating people in Poland and Europe about sexually transmitted infections (STI), providing free and anonymous HIV testing and support for people living with HIV. Our goal is to provide universal access to testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, i.e. syphilis or HCV. We want everyone to be able to take charge of their sexual health!
As part of the “Order HIV Test” campaign, you can order a free HIV test for self-testing at home. The Foundation’s project was created so that people with difficult access to testing points or financial resources can take care of their health. This is only possible with the support of sponsors and your 1.5%. Together we can do more.
Want to know more about what we do? Take a look here
Your stories #selftestFES
We want to talk about our campaign as widely as possible to reach those we can support. That’s why we are on the radio, television and, above all, on social media, where everyone can talk about our campaign. We strongly count on your support. Share your impressions, retweet and share your stories. You are our voice, and together we will go even further.
Looking for an answer?
We realize that the decision to take the test may be accompanied by many questions.
We have collected the most frequently asked questions in a Q&A list that will dispel your doubts
and allow you to clearly go through the entire process.
Do you want to take a test at a stationary facility?
No problem! Everything is done anonymously, free of charge and lightning fast, just 15 minutes.
Additionally, to ensure high quality of services, in both PKDs the last customer is accepted half an hour before the center closes.
See where you can go and take the test on-site.
ul. Nugat 3
(at the Center for Preventive Medicine and Rehabilitation)
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 4 pm – 8 pm (last download 7:30 pm)
Saturday: 10 am – 2 pm (last download 1:30 pm)
NOTE! In order to ensure high quality counseling,
in both CACs the last customer is admitted half an hour before the testing center closes.
ul. Marszałkowska 68/70
(in “DIAGNOSTYKA” premises)
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 4 pm – 8 pm (last download 7:30 pm)
NOTE! In order to ensure high quality counseling,
in both CACs the last customer is admitted half an hour before the testing center closes.
You are from another town? Check where the center in your area is located:
How to support the Foundation?
Do you want to help us work to prevent HIV and support people living with HIV?
You can do this in several ways:

Donate 1.5% of your tax. Our company registration number [KRS] is: 0000111176

Make a donation to the Social Education Foundation’s account.
Account number 88 2490 0005 0000 4530 8538 5076
The Social Education Foundation undertakes to allocate all funds received for its statutory purposes.
The Social Education Foundation is a non-governmental organization referred to in Article 3 paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Act on public benefit activities and volunteering (Journal of Laws No. 96, item 873) and conducts the activities specified in Article 4 paragraph 1 of this Act.
Our partners
Material created with the financial support of WHO.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.