There are a lot of myths around HIV, which we, as a foundation, try to debunk. The test is the first step that can make you sure that you are not infected or will be an opportunity to take care of yourself and make changes in which we will support you. Wondering what the next steps are? Check out below and learn more. Please remember that we are here for you and we will go through the entire process together.

Testing is

a good decision

Next steps

Completing the survey
the test
the test
a feedback

Customer survey

Please take a few minutes and answer the questions below. We approach each person individually, and this survey will allow us to get to know you better. This will allow us to offer you high-quality service and support tailored to your needs.

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Have you ever done a home HIV test (blood or oral) before?
Are you pregnant?
Are you transgender?
Place of residence
Have you ever taken an HIV test?
Reasons for taking an HIV test
When was your last risky encounter?
(Risky contact is any sexual contact without condom protection from the beginning to the end of intercourse with a person who has not previously been tested for HIV and/or with a person who is not on PrEP and/or with a person who has a detectable viral load).
Gender of lifelong partners (sexual contact only)
Sexual orientation
Sexual contacts
Anal Passive
Anal Active
Oral Passive
Oral Active
other, which?
Do you know what PrEP is?
Have you used PrEP before?
Using psychoactive substances
(The collected data is anonymous. Being under the influence of psychoactive substances is not punishable in Poland. The information will be used for risk assessment and scientific publications)
Other sexually transmitted infections diagnosed in the past:
If so, what?
To provide us with data for shipping, it is necessary to submit a statement of familiarity with the privacy policy by checking the checkbox.

We are raising funds for free shipping of HIV tests.

Want help? Donate 1.5% or make a custom donation.

We are returning in the second half of March.